Comments Posted By Huan Tran
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The main reasons that Felt wants his story to be published now are:

1. His conscience has been punishing him the last 33 years, he couldn't stand it anymore
2. He still feels dishonorable since he betrays the vows when he accepted the FBI badge. If any FBI agent can reveal what he/she knows about FBI secrets what would have happened?
3. He was scared for his life telling his story when Nixon and gangs were still out there
4. The most important reason would be that he doesn't want to allow Woodward to use his name again to write a book to make money, that's why he allowed John O' Connor to publish it first in Vanity Fair. His name or the infamous nickname "Deep Throat" has been used by the Washington Post and Wood/Stein to receive Pulitzer prize, to write books and make movies and especially to get a lot of fame and fortune.

The secret news that Felt leaked out to the Post did help the prosecution to pinpoint on most issues did help the Supreme Court to render its final decision. Without Felt, the investigation could drag on for years and Nixon might be prosecuted long after he out of the office at the end of his 2nd term. The famous impeachment would never

Comment Posted By Huan Tran On 1.06.2005 @ 15:41

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